Faith Chapel Assembly of God Pleasanton

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Find Hope & Comfort During Hard Times: Inspire!, part 1

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Find Hope & Comfort During Hard Times: Inspire!, part 1 - Psalm 23:4 Pastor Richard Rogers

SERIES: Inspire! Hope & Encouragement During Hard Times

Feel Alone? Look up and call out to Jesus - Psalm 23:4: “Even though I walk through the darkest valley…you are with me.”

If you’re struggling, this short message from the heart is for you. Know that you are not alone even though things may seem dark and overwhelming right now, and you may feel unsure of what’s coming next.

When you find yourself in a valley or some dark place, such as a sickness or feeling depressed, a spiritual attack or a loss of some kind, it’s not the place you find yourself in that is important so much as the one who is with you.

When you are feeling down or depressed, look up and call out to Jesus. He is present in your situation.

Look up and call out to Jesus.

You are not alone; God is with you

You may have heard Psalm 23 many times, but I want to focus on one verse:

“Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me” (Psalm 23:4, NIV).

Often, this Psalm is read at a funeral and it is appropriate for that time; however I want us to consider that there are times that we need to be reminded of God’s presence when things look bleak.

A situation may look dark and the shadows of all the problems you are walking through might appear impossible to you at the moment. You may not see a way out of the situation you find yourself walking in today; but know this, you are not alone.

You may feel alone. The situation can look so dark that not even a sliver of light can be seen to light your way. Stop in your tracks and allow your eyes to adjust to the darkness. Listen to the sounds around you. Allow your other senses to heighten.

You are not alone!

  • Choose not to fear.

  • Purpose in your heart not to worry.

  • Put your hope in the Lord.

  • Listen for His voice. You will know it.

As I am making notes to share with you, I received a call from a dear friend and it was a call of rejoicing even as someone we both know is walking through a valley. We rejoiced. We prayed, and I know it was a divine appointment.

I was able to share that no matter how things may look, we can know that God is looking out for His children.

He is seeking:

  • Those who may have wandered away.

  • Those who may have fallen into a pit.

  • Those who are lost.

  • And those who are following ever so close to him.

When you find yourself in a valley or some dark place, such as a sickness or feeling depressed, a spiritual attack or a loss of some kind, it’s not the place you find yourself in that is important so much as the one who is with you.

You are never alone no matter how you may feel.

Comfort, Support, Power, and Strength

Remember the shepherd and the shepherd’s tools. The shepherd is always looking to protect his sheep. The tools of the shepherd are the rod and staff. The rod is used to protect and drive the enemy away. The staff is used to correct, restrain, and pull to safety.

A staff can bring comfort, assurance, confidence and support. It also reminds us of His presence. A rod is a sign of power and strength to defend against attacks.

The issue is really how the sheep (you) choose to respond to the shepherd.

  • For the non-believer, the shepherd is looking for you and desires for the two of you to be reunited.

  • For the believer, the rod is like the word of God and the staff is the Holy Spirit.

The word of God is used to defend. The Holy Spirit will guide, comfort and help.

When you are feeling down or depressed, look up and call out to Jesus. The word of God and the Holy Spirit brings reassurance and peace to your soul.

You will know beyond a doubt, Jesus is present in your situation and that you are not alone no matter how dark the valley or how lonely you may feel. Rest assured, God is on your side and you have nothing to fear. A touch from the shepherd’s staff and the presence of his rod is reassuring to the heart.

Darkness must flee. The enemy must flee and death is swallowed up in victory. Let the light of the Gospel shine in your heart.

Allow the word of God to light your path and the Holy Spirit to be a very present help. So rejoice and be glad and take comfort; you have no reason to fear.

Suggested Praise and Worship

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This and other sermons brought to you by Faith Chapel, an Assemblies of God church in Pleasanton, CA.