Africa Missionaries: Steve and Glenda Evans
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Steve and Glenda Evans are passionate about the Africa Oasis Project, which supplies wells in areas without clean drinking water. They’ve been missionaries to Africa since 1980, and they’re still passionate about helping people and spreading the love of Jesus.
Want to donate? We make it easy: give online or mail a check and note the donation is for “Steve and Glenda Evans”. We’ll pass it on directly to them.
Mail a check to: Faith Chapel
C/O Steve and Glenda Evans
6656 Alisal St., Pleasanton, CA 94566
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According to the Africa Oasis Project website, Steve and Glenda saw the need for water immediately upon arrival and never looked back:
“Steve Evans, assisted by his wife Glenda, serves as Team Leader for The Africa Oasis Project. The Evans are career missionaries since 1980 with the Assemblies of God, having served in Zimbabwe, Mozambique and South Africa. Glenda is the daughter and grand-daughter of veteran missionaries (Pettenger’s) to Africa.
The Evans have long recognized the need for a project like AOP. According to Steve, ‘...I saw the need for water as soon as we arrived in Africa. Viewing a finished water project and seeing the joy on people’s faces as water comes to their village is an emotional moment that I never want to forget. It inspires us to keep bringing water to the thirsty people of Africa as we strive to bring them Jesus!’
Steve and Glenda make their residence in South Africa. They are proud parents of three boys, Mark, Scott and Todd, who all serve in various stateside ministries.”
Learn more at the Africa Oasis Project.
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