The Cast of Christmas (part 1): The Prophets' Preparation


The prophets prophesied His birth. And now we live in expectation and preparation of Jesus returning soon. Through faith in Christ we’ve been saved. Our duty is to prepare our hearts to receive Him, with expectation to meet Him.

Wait expectantly for God to show Himself in your life. He is preparing us for heaven, to meet him face to face; for the kingdom of God to advance.

The best use of our time is to prepare our hearts to be the people God wants us to be.

The old testament points to the coming of Christ. We now have the benefit that the prophets did not: we know that Jesus was born on earth and died for our sins, and we have the ability to connect directly with God. This season don’t lose sight of the real reason we celebrate Christmas: your salvation through the birth and life of Jesus Christ.

This sermon challenges you: have you grown spiritually? Do you feel closer to God now than you did years ago? Are you preparing yourself for meeting Jesus?

Draw near to God with expectation and look for ways to live out your faith.


This and other sermons brought to you by Faith Chapel, an Assemblies of God church in Pleasanton, CA.