The Cast of Christmas

Jesus Brought Us Peace With God
The Christmas story tells of people from varied backgrounds and experiences coming together for the most amazing event yet to be experienced: the birth of Christ.
Sermons In This Series
Luke 2:8-20, Matthew 2:1-12: We should remember to rejoice in Jesus’ presence like the shepherds; and we are to be like the Magi: focus on worship, adoration, and gifts to the King of kings.
Luke 2:13-14: The fist proclamation of Christmas came from heaven through angels speaking to shepherds. Jesus brought us peace with God; let’s celebrate this season by sharing this with others.
Luke 3:4-6: The prophets prophesied His birth. And now we live in expectation and preparation of Jesus returning soon. Through faith in Christ we’ve been saved. Our duty is to prepare our hearts to receive Him, with expectation to meet Him.
More About This Series
The prophets prophesied the birth of Jesus and prepared for His coming—and we should prepare for His coming again.
The fist proclamation of Christmas came from heaven through angels speaking to shepherds.
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