There Is Power In The Name!

Sermon Series: Power in the name!

Struggling or feeling alone today?

Are you in a trial, difficult situation or feeling stuck in a “desert”? You are not alone.

Sermons In This Series

More About This Series

God knows where you are, and he will answer you when you cry out for him. Trials will come but they are never to hurt you; rather they are to build you up and develop spiritual endurance.

In this series we learn about some of the names of God, why they’re important, and why they matter to you.

Understanding God’s names is a means to understand who God is—and, in turn, how important you are to Him.

In this series:

  • Elohim: the strong creator (part 1).

  • Jehovah: the self-existent one (part 1).

  • Adonai: owner, master, and supreme authority (part 2).

  • Jehovah-Jireh: your provider (part 3).

  • Jehovah-Rapha: the Lord who heals you (part 4).

  • Jehova-Shalom: the Lord is peace (part 5).

  • Jehova-Rohi: the Lord is my shepherd (part 6).

  • Jehovah-Nissi: the Lord is my banner (part 7).

  • Jehovah-Mekoddishkem: the Lord who sanctifies (part 8).

  • Jehovah-Tsidkenu: the Lord Our Righteousness (part 9).

  • El Elyon: The Most High God (part 10).

  • El Shaddai: The Lord God Almighty (part 11).

The names of God convey the truth of His power, love, sovereignty and authority. He created you, loves you and His desire is to be intimately involved in your life. He sees you; he’s with you. Receive the grace and love of God, and feel His healing touch today.

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Richard Rogers, Pastor